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VeriDoc HR

  • VeriDoc HR
  • Design and Development
  • 4500 USD
  • Nov 23, 2024

Veri Doc HR

Managing hundreds of employees becomes so much easier. You know exactly when and where your employees are clocking in/out from, and how much time they are actually working. Also, print the timesheet of any employee whenever you want, no manual paperwork is required with VeriDoc HR.
N o efficient way of employee management or access to real-time employee data. You have to put in hours of manual paperwork and might end up with timekeeping errors which can be really frustrating. Tons of money & time wastage on paperwork, employee tracking, and record keeping.
VeriDoc HR assures you tamper-proof employee records every time. All the information is stored in the blockchain, thus making any record genuine and preventing timesheet fraud
Employees can now download the VeriDoc HR app and simply scan a QR code to log in and log out. All the records are recorded and can be easily verified by the admin whenever required.
VeriDoc HR is affordable and can be implemented by small, medium, or large enterprises to remove timekeeping errors, reduce manual paperwork, increase employee productivity, and create a smoother workflow.
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